Monday, 21 January 2019

Pam's Week Two: Imagine all the People, Living Life in Peace

Yes, I know that I am late posting this.  I could make all sorts of excuses, but the bottom line is that I haven't taken the time to sit down and write this until tonight.  And tonight, I am skipping my Zumba class with my kids to get caught up on things that have not been done.  First up was groceries (weekends away are killers to my schedule) and now the blog.

So, the topic for this week, which was actually two weeks ago now, was Peace.  I had all sorts of visions but time and Mother Nature were not my friend.  We had umpteen million feet of snow and lots of grey skies.  I did my best to find peace anyways...

First, I found out in the comfort of my home while I watched this, the wrath of Mother Nature and Jack Frost, out of our window...

Next, I tried to find peace as I took a break from shoveling the driveway when I couldn't get the snowblower started.  It was actually a very beautiful night if it wasn't for the oodles of snow that got dumped on us.  After 45 minutes, I managed to shovel a single pathway through from my house to the road.

Finally, I found peace in our shadows on the snowy streets as we took our nightly stroll through the neighbourhood.

I hope that week you managed to find peace as well.

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